Prose_Reading Map

Last Update May 2024

The following includes my primary reading records since 2015, highlighting only those works I find particularly intriguing. These readings can be divided into two categories:
First, in alignment with my current research focus on death and health, particularly on the trends and mechanisms of health inequality.
Second, based on my broader reading history, encompassing the history of science, social theory, political philosophy, social research methods, social stratification, social networks, family studies, urban studies, organizational studies, and anthropological studies.

研究阅读 / Reading for Research

1. 死亡率研究 / Mortality Studies

1.1 Research History
[1] Preston S.H., 1996, “Population Studies of Mortality”, Population Studies, 50(3), 525—536.
[2] Van Raalte A.A., 2021, “What Have We Learned about Mortality Patterns over the Past 25 Years?”, Population Studies, 75(sup1), 105—132.
[3] Olshansky S.J., Carnes B.A., 1997, “Ever Since Gompertz”, Demography, 34(1), 1—15.
1.2 Classical Theory
[4] Omran A.R., 1971, “The Epidemiologic Transition: A Theory of The Epidemiology of Population Change”, The Milbank Quarterly, 49(4), 509—538.
[5] Vallin J., Meslé F., 2004, “Convergences and Divergences in Mortality: A New Approach of Health Transition”, Demographic Research, Special 2, 11—44.
[6] Soares R., 2007, “On the Determinants of Mortality Reductions in The Developing World”, Population and Development Review, 33(2), 247—287.
1.3 Life Disparity Research
[7] Zhang Z., Vaupel J., 2009, “The Age Separating Early Deaths from Late Deaths”, Demographic Research, 20, 721—730.
[8] Vaupel J.W., Zhang Z., Van Raalte A.A., 2011, “Life Expectancy and Disparity: An International Comparison of Life Table Data”, BMJ Open, 1(1), e000128—e000128.
[9] Brown D.C., Lariscy J.T., Walker B.H., 2023, “State-Level Trends in Lifespan Variability in the United States, 1960–2019: A Research Note”, Demography, 60(1), 1—14.
[10] 张震,2016:《1950年代以来中国人口寿命不均等的变化历程》,《人口研究》第1期。
1.4 Research Methods: Indicators and Decomposing
[11] Sanderson W.C., Scherbov S., 2013, “The Characteristics Approach to The Measurement of Population Aging”, Population and Development Review, 39(4), 673—685.

2. 健康研究 / Health Studies

2.1 Research History
[1] Halfon N., Larson K., Lu M., et al., 2014, “Lifecourse Health Development: Past, Present and Future”, Maternal and Child Health Journal, 18(2), 344—365.
[2] Berridge V., 2002, “The Origin of The Black Report: A Conversation with Richard Wilkinson”, Contemporary British History, 16(3), 120—122.
[3] Bartley M., Blane D., Davey Smith G., 1998, “Introduction: Beyond the Black Report”, Sociology of Health & Illness, 20(5), 563—577.
[4] Jenkin P., 2002, “Dispelling the Myths of The Black Report: A Memoir”, Contemporary British History, 16(3), 123—130.
2.2 Classical Theory
[5] Truesdale B.C., Jencks C., 2016, “The Health Effects of Income Inequality: Averages and Disparities”, Annual Review of Public Health, 37(1), 413—430.
[6] Aneshensel C.S., 1992, “Social Stress: Theory and Research”, Annual Review of Sociology, 18(1), 15—38.
2.3 Research Methods: Indicators and Decomposing
[7] Murray C.J., Lopez A.D., 1997, “Regional Patterns of Disability-free Life Expectancy and Disability-adjusted Life Expectancy: Global Burden of Disease Study”, The Lancet, 349(9062), 1347—1352.
[8] Sauerberg M., Canudas-Romo V., 2022, “Comparing Cohort Survival in Good Health: A Research Note on Decomposing Sex Differentials in the United States”, Demography, 59(6), 2013—2024.

兴趣阅读 / Reading for Interests

1. 科学史 / STS & History of Science

1.1 History of Science
[1] 彼得·哈里森,2019:《圣经、新教与自然科学的兴起》. 商务印书馆。
[2] 伯纳德·科恩,2016:《自然科学与社会科学的互动》. 商务印书馆。
[3] 乌特•哈内赫拉夫,2018:《西方神秘学指津》. 商务印书馆。
1.2 History of Social Science
[4] 陆远,2019:《传承与断裂:剧变中的中国社会学与社会学家》. 商务印书馆。
[5] Greenhalgh S., 1996, “The Social Construction of Population Science: An intellectual, Institutional, and Political History Of Twentieth-century Demography”, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 38(1), 26—66.
[6] Gottschang T., Lary D., 2000, “Introduction: An Anthropology of Science Making and Policymaking”//, Just One ChildScience and Policy in Deng’s China. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Center for Chinese Studies.
[7] 金度经,2011:《知识的条件:人口控制论如何获得权威》,复旦大学博士学位论文,2011年。
[8] 杜博思,2011:《思想之帝国:满洲民俗学与亚洲社会科学的长期变迁》,《民俗研究》第2期。
1.3 Intellectual Studies
[9] 夏志清,2016:《中国现代小说史》. 浙江人民出版社。
[10] 钱理群,2016:《岁月沧桑》. 东方出版社。
[11] 冰心,1935:《冰心游记》. 上海新北书局。

2. 社会理论 / Social Theory

2.1 General: What Modernity Is
[1] 苏国勋,2016:《理性化及其限制:韦伯思想引论》. 商务印书馆。
[2] 陈嘉明,2006:《现代性与后现代性十五讲》. 北京大学出版社。
2.2 Economic Sociology: How Capitalism Was Born
[3] 马克斯·韦伯,2010:《新教伦理与资本主义精神》. 上海人民出版社。
[4] 维尔纳·桑巴特,2005:《奢侈与资本主义》. 上海人民出版社。
[5] 张敏,1998:《资本主义文化矛盾导读》//《西方社会学名著提要》. 江西人民出版社。
2.3 Family Sociology: The East-West Difference in Ontology
[6] 孙向晨,2019:《论家:个体与亲亲》. 华东师范大学出版社。

3. 政治哲学 / Political Philosophy

3.1 Intro: Debate in China
[1] 马立诚,2015:《最近四十年中国社会思潮》. 东方出版社。
3.2 Classical Theory
[2] 李强,2015:《自由主义》. 东方出版社。
[3] 张静,2015:《法团主义(第三版)》. 东方出版社。

4. 社会研究方法 / Social Research Method

4.1 Methodology
[1] 诺曼·K·邓津、伊冯娜·S·林肯,2007:《定性研究:方法论基础》. 重庆大学出版社。
4.2 Social Statistics (Econometrics): Based on Probability and Mathematical Statistics
[2] 尹海洁、李树林,2013:《社会统计学》. 中国人民大学出版社。
[3] 谢宇,2012:《社会学方法与定量研究》. 社会科学文献出版社。
[4] 胡安宁,2015:《社会科学因果推断的理论基础》. 社会科学文献出版社。
[5] Breznau N., Rinke E.M., Wuttke A., et al., 2022, “Observing Many Researchers Using The Same Data and Hypothesis Reveals A Hidden Universe of Uncertainty”, Proceedings of The National Academy Of Sciences, 119(44), e2203150119.
4.3 Mathematical Demography: Based on Advanced Mathematics and Linear Algebra
[6] 查瑞传,2004:《数理人口学》. 中国人民大学出版社。
4.4 Simulation Method
[7] Lawson T. A., 2009, “Demographic Microsimulation Model Using NetLogo”. Centre for Research in Economic Sociology and Innovation Working Paper Series.
4.5 Qualitative Methods
[8] 张静,2008:《社会学论文写作指南》.上海人民出版社。
[9] 玛丽亚·海默、曹诗弟,2012:《在中国做田野调查》. 重庆大学出版社。

5. 社会分层 / Social Stratification

5.1 Classical Theory
[1] 李强,2008:《社会分层十讲》. 社会科学文献出版社。
[2] 马克思,1997:《共产党宣言》. 人民出版社。
5.2 Class Concept: Is Class Dead?
[3] 贝克,2011:《个体化》. 北京大学出版社。
[4] Atkinson W., 2007, “Beck, individualization and The Death of Class: A Critique”, The British Journal of Sociology, 58(3), 349—366.
[5] Beck U., 2007, “Beyond Class and Nation: Reframing Social inequalities In A Globalizing World1: Beyond Class And Nation World”, The British Journal of Sociology, 58(4), 679—705.
[6] Atkinson W., 2007, “Beyond False Oppositions: A Reply to Beck1: Beyond False Oppositions”, The British Journal of Sociology, 58(4), 707—715.
[7] Curran D., 2013, “Risk Society and The Distribution of Bads: Theorizing Class in The Risk Society: Risk Society And The Distribution Of Bads”, The British Journal of Sociology, 64(1), 44—62.
5.3 Class Research Cases
[8] 林宗弘,2009:《台湾的后工业化: 阶级结构的转型与社会不平等, 1992-2007》,《台湾社会学刊》第43期。
[9] 严飞、崔峨理河,2020:《韩国社会阶层分化的特点及趋势》,《国外理论动态》第4期。
5.4 Class and Consumption
[10] 凡勃伦,2015:《有闲阶级论: 关于制度的经济研究》. 中央编译局。
[11] Erickson B.H., 1996, “Culture, Class, and Connections”, American Journal of Sociology, 102(1), 217—251.

6. 社会网络 / Social Network

6.1 Classical Theory
[1] 林南,2005:《社会资本:关于社会结构与行动的理论》. 上海人民出版社。
6.2 Methods:Before 1990s
[2] 边燕杰,2004:《城市居民社会资本的来源及作用:网络观点与调查发现》,《中国社会科学》第3期。
[3] 约翰·斯科特,2009:《社会网络分析法(第2版)》. 重庆大学出版社。
[4] 斯坦利·沃瑟曼、凯瑟琳·福斯特,2012:《社会网络分析:方法与应用》. 中国人民大学出版社。

7. 生育、婚姻与家庭 / Fertility, Marriage & Famliy

7.1 Classical Theory
[1] Kirk D., 1996, “Demographic Transition Theory”, Population Studies, 50(3), 361—387.
[2] Lesthaeghe R., 2010, “The Unfolding Story of The Second Demographic Transition”, Population and Development Review, 36(2), 211—251.
[3] Esping-Andersen G., Billari F.C., 2015, “Re-theorizing Family Demographics”, Population and Development Review, 41(1), 1—31.
7.2 Marriage Status Research
[4] Pesando L.M., GFC team, 2019, “Global Family Change: Persistent Diversity with Development”, Population and Development Review, 45(1), 133—168.
[5] Raymo J.M., Park H., Xie Y., et al., 2015, “Marriage and Family in East Asia: Continuity and Change”, Annual Review of Sociology, 41, 471—492.
7.3 Fertility Research
[6] Bongaarts J., 2001, “Fertility and Reproductive Preferences in Post-transitional Societies”, Population and Development Review, 27, 260—281.
[7] McDonald P., 2008, “Very Low Fertility: Consequences, Causes and Policy Approaches”, Japanese Journal of Population, 19—23.
[8] Raymo J.M., Shibata A., 2017, “Unemployment, Nonstandard Employment, and Fertility: Insights from Japan’s “Lost 20 Years”. Demography, 54(6), 2301—2329.
[9] Striessnig E., Lutz W., 2013, “Can Below-Replacement Fertility Be Desirable?”, Empirica, 40(3), 409—425.
7.4 Family Structure Research
[10] 王跃生,2021:《百年来中国家庭结构研究的回顾与展望》,《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》第5期。
[11] 曾毅、李伟、梁志武,1992:《中国家庭结构的现状、区域差异及变动趋势》,《中国人口科学》第2期。
[12] 王跃生,2006:《当代中国家庭结构变动分析》,《中国社会科学》第1期。
[13] 王跃生,2013:《中国城乡家庭结构变动分析——基于2010年人口普查数据》,《中国社会科学》第12期。
[14] 胡湛、彭希哲,2014:《中国当代家庭户变动的趋势分析——基于人口普查数据的考察》,《社会学研究》第3期。
[15] 王跃生,2015:《当代家庭结构区域比较分析——以2010年人口普查数据为基础》,《人口与经济》第1期。

8. 城市研究 / Urban Studies

8.1 History of Urban
[1] 简·雅各布斯,2005:《美国大城市的死与生》. 译林出版社。
[2] Zukin S., 1998, “Urban Lifestyles: Diversity and Standardisation in Spaces of Consumption”, Urban Studies, 35(5—6), 825—839.
[3] Sonnino R., 2009, “Feeding the City: Towards a New Research and Planning Agenda”, International Planning Studies, 14(4), 425—435.
[4] 莎伦·佐金,2015:《裸城:原真性城市场所的生与死》. 上海人民出版社。
8.2 Classical Theory
[5] 丹尼尔·约瑟夫·蒙蒂、迈克尔·伊恩·博雷尔、林恩·C·麦格雷戈,2017:《城市的人和地方:城市市郊和城镇的社会学》. 江苏教育出版社。
[6] 乔治·瑞泽尔,2015:《赋魅于一个祛魅的世界》. 社会科学文献出版社。
[7] Loftus A., 2009, “Rethinking Political Ecologies of Water”, Third World Quarterly, 30(5), 953—968.
[8] Swyngedouw E., Heynen N.C., 2003, “Urban Political Ecology, Justice and The Politics of Scale”, Antipode, 35(5), 898—918.
8.3 Urban and Social Mobility
[9] Sassen S., 1996, “Whose City Is It? Globalization and The formation of New Claims”, Public Culture, 8, 205—224.
[10] Price M., Benton-Short L., 2007, “Immigrants and World Cities: From The Hyper-diverse to The Bypassed”, Geojournal, 68(2—3), 103—117.
8.4 Urban and Social Stratification
[11] Papachristos A.V., Bastomski S., 2018, “Connected in Crime: The Enduring Effect of Neighborhood Networks on the Spatial Patterning of Violence”, American Journal of Sociology, 124(2), 517—568.
[12] Desmond M., Wilmers N., 2019, “Do the Poor Pay More for Housing? Exploitation, Profit, and Risk in Rental Markets”, American Journal of Sociology, 124(4), 1090—1124.

9. 组织研究 / Organization Studies

9.1Classical Theory
[1] 周雪光,2003:《组织社会学十讲》. 社会科学文献出版社。
[2] 曼瑟尔·奥尔森,2014:《集体行动的逻辑》. 上海人民出版社。
9.2 Government Organization above the County Level in China
[3] 周雪光,2017:《中国国家治理的制度逻辑——一个组织学研究》. 上海三联书店。
[4] 吴敬琏,2004:《当代中国经济改革》. 上海远东出版社。
[5] 孔飞力,2012:《叫魂:1768年中国妖术大恐慌》. 上海三联书店。
[6] 欧阳静,2011:《策略主义:桔镇运作的逻辑》. 中国政法大学出版社。
9.3 Government Organization in Rural China
[7] 费孝通、吴晗等,2012:《皇权与绅权》. 岳麓书社。
[8] 费孝通,2006:《乡土中国》. 上海人民出版社。
[9] 林耀华,2015:《金翼:一个中国家族的史记》. 上海三联书店。
9.4 Nonprofit Organization
[10] Putney C., 1993, “Service Over Secrecy: How Lodge-Style Fraternalism Yielded Popularity to Men’s Service Clubs”, The Journal of Popular Culture, 27(1), 179—190.
[11] Wikle T.A., 1999, “International Expansion of the American-Style Service Club”, The Journal of American Culture, 22(2), 45—52.
[12] 阮云星,2016:《吸纳与赋权:当代浙江、上海社会组织治理机制的经验研究》. 浙江大学出版社。

10. 人类学 / Anthropology

10.1 Frontier Studies
[1] 奈吉尔·巴利,2011:《天真的人类学家:泥屋笔记》. 广西师范大学出版社。
[2] 刘绍华,2015:《我的凉山兄弟:毒品、艾滋与流动青年》. 中央编译出版社。
10.2 Japan Studies
[3] 戴季陶、蒋百里,2014:《日本人·日本论》. 上海古籍出版社。
[4] 鲁思·本尼迪克特,2013:《菊花与刀》. 东方出版社。